Monday, March 20, 2017

March 8, International women's day

March 8th. is celebrated every year is International Women day. I remember, one year, my dad gifted all of us women in the house with Handkerchiefs! I loved it so much, saved it for years. 
Every year, it is publicized, written about, and we all make it a point to wish each other. With social media, it has become much easier to forward the many photos and posts. 

For me, it is a day to celebrate how far we have come, from the caveman days, and to remind each other how far to go yet.    
Since purple is the colour for women's day, badges were made for all.
Some of us ladies at our complex have decided to hold party on our terrace, just a couple of days prior to 8th.. It was amazing how easily and seamlessly the whole event was planned. Trust women to organise and carry off with zero defect! Certain conditions were set down. The party was for women only. for one evening between 7 and 9, no entertaining children, husbands, relatives! Women wanted time for themselves, just to meet others in the complex, talk, eat, dance and have fun. Fair enough! Next came the eats. The 'volunteers' offered suggestions and offered to place orders and pick them up. We decided against formal dinner and go with snacks and small eats. Then came the venue and arrangements. It was decided the terrace would be an ideal location overlooking the sea, with a lovely march breeze blowing. A couple of ladies took the responsibility for arrangements.
Balloons were blown and strung up, lights put up, chairs arranged, and food reached the venue on time. All the ladies came shimmering in their best clothes and shoes. Oh, I forgot the games. Some silly and fun games were played.
Group photos
Towards the end, there were requests for fast nos, bollywood songs etc. We all shook a leg and everyone had a good time. 
The downside of it all was some women couldnot make it due to not having support at home; no one to baby sit for a couple of hours in the evening on a working day. What a shame! Because of which they had to miss out on fun and games in their own building complex. It may not be a great loss not to attend a party. On the other hand, it points out the vulnerabilty of women with small children, how completely tied up their lives are. 
I am making a limited point here. is not it a responsibility of the husbands to mind their kids some of the time? Should not they give wives a break from the parental responsibilities once in a while? Atleast on the international women's day? I believe one such husband goes to the extent of saying 'Is your party more important than my job?' For a couple of hours between 7 and 9 in the evening, Is it too much to expect? 
Ladies, buck up, get organised, stop depending on others to take care. It is a day to remind us of women's empowerment. What does it mean? To me it means:
  • To have options - what, when and how to do with one's time, money ...
  • To be able to make choices - not be forced into situations by others ....
  • To not live in fear constantly - afraid of consequences all the time, real or imagined ....
  • To have one's own money - have the freedom to buy, spend, or save .....
  • To acquire skills and education - be better informed and skilled, for self respect and to make a living ....
  • To live a life of conviction and belonging - think for yourself, decide for your self,by taking inputs from others where necessary ....

Till next March 8th. have an empowering year!!!


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