Sunday, February 8, 2015

Patchwork pillow case and cushion cover

Following are a few patchwork cushion covers and a pillow case I had made. Two of the cushion covers are random patch work, done by hand stitching. I found a piece of embroidery from an old garment, and I appliquéd it. There is a base lining material of cotton fabric on to which the patchwork is done.

Patchwork cushion covers

 The pillow case and one of the cushion covers match the patchwork bedspread I made earlier. The pieces are cut to 7” wide and whatever length is available, but not exceeding 7”. After they are stitched together, the width came to 6”. All the pieces are attached into a long strip, making sure no two pieces of the same design and material are next to each other. The strips are next attached together to form the cushion cover / pillow case.

Patchwork pillow case

Patchwork cushion cover

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